Hello all! It's Blogging Tuesday, and I am talking all about my Morning Meeting.
The previous post was all about my Morning Routine. I end my Morning Routine with cleaning up centers.
So, let's dig in!
I have my tables organized by color, so when the students clean up after centers, they have a seat and wait.
Once I call their table color, they stand up, push in their chairs, and go to their carpet spot. I am very structured, and I stick to routines because that is how I function in the classroom.
Our carpet (please excuse the Sharpies, I was excited to have both the carpet and Sharpies delivered to my classroom. SHARPIES!!!! :) :) )
Once to their carpet spot, I start with the days of the week. I move my "Yesterday was, Today is, and Tomorrow will be" cards. "Okay, what day of the week was yesterday?" The students answer with the day of the week. "And today's day of the week is?" They answer. "And then tomorrow has to be?" The students answer. Once I get through that part, I ask "is it [insert day of the week]?" They all say "NOOOO, it's [insert the RIGHT day of the week]!" So, I change the day of the week card. (top right of picture) Then it's time for the number day. I ask, "yesterday was [date], so that means today is what?" They answer with [the right date]. Once answered, I flip my numbers (as you can see, I use 2 different number circles). Then I change my digital date to reflect the actual date.
Time to recite! We have hand signals for almost everything. The hand signal for recite is both my hands up and down like I am picking up a box, then putting the box down. They all say "today is Monday, January the 11th, 2016 (as I am pointing to each of the areas of the calendar)."
Q&A: What are the 3 white circles at the bottom of the calendar used for? They are used to segment CVC words.
What do you use your 10 frame for at the bottom of the calendar? I use it during math for making 10 or other addition or subtraction problems.
After this we recite our alphabet chart (it came with our reading series).
My kids know this frontwards and backwards, so we added sign language to the mix. So the way it starts is... I start with "get ready and show me letter A." So I scan and make sure we are all using the right hand. and so we all start... "A-A-Apple, /a/-/a/-Apple, B-B-Bear, /b/-/b/-Bear", and so on. Once we reach Z, we sing the alphabet song while signing.
Then we recite our Digraphs and Blends.
We also talk about our Learning Targets. Mine are shown here. Our school implemented PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support), and I found these cute reminders on
TPT. The ELA targets include the letter of the week, blend/digraph of the week, and the sight word of the week. Also, the math target of the day.
Now for the Math Meeting Portion!!! We start with the Base-10 blocks.
I start by saying "Yesterday was number [insert number], but today is happening so I?" The students say, "Add one more block!" So I drop a block in, and ask what the number is again. Then I move to the Piggy Bank.
"Is the number [insert old number here]?" Students "NOOO! You add one more penny!" Then we count our coins starting with the quarters. When we get 5 pennies, we trade up, and same for other coins. Then I ask, "How much money do we have?" Then they say, "[insert correct number here] cents!" Then I ask if the Base-10 and money numbers match? They should all say "Yes!" :) Then I move to our 10-Frames.
This is how we also track our days in school. Teacher, "Does this match the other numbers?" Students, "Nooooo!"Teacher, "So I?"Students, "Add one more circle!"
Then I ask for a weather prediction. My kids know the word prediction from the first week in school, as a part of our routine. I put their prediction at the top of my calendar.
So to check to see if they were right, I check my phone's weather app. I also check the temperature and ask them what color the 10-Frame circle is going to be.
Based on our thermometer colors. The thermometer is from our math series.
As I am coloring in the circle the appropriate color, I start reviewing, by asking about our number of the day. "How much money do we have?" "How many blocks do we have?" etc.
From here we go into our reading series lesson.
I do reading meeting in the morning and math meeting in the afternoon. My morning would go on and on if I added number of the day in the mix too. :) Time is precious!
If you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment below.
Thank you for reading! Teach on friends!