Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Morning Routines

It's the second day of school, and I am still excited to be back! Yay!

 I know routines are important for class, so I am going to share my morning routine.
 (Sorry for the corny pictures, I was hoping to post a video LOL...oh well)

Our bell rings at 8:00 a.m. This is when the students are first released from the cafeteria. As they arrive (running or holding their friends' hands) they show up at my door. This is where I have them stop and shake my hand. (corny picture ahead) :)

The second bell rings at 8:20 a.m. and this is when announcements and pledges start. Everyone stands, where ever they are in the classroom to observe the flags and creed. They then sit down for the moment of silence (I turn off the lights for the moment).

Let me back up a little. As the students shake my hand, and walk in the classroom, they put their homework folder in their chair pocket (a fabric pouch on the back of their seat), and put their backpack away here... 

Right beside their backpack rack is their "pouches." (I panicked when I got them, and called them whatever came to mind. haha) I got these nifty things at Walmart for $5!
These pouches contain their morning work and morning (free play) center sheet. 
First, the morning work is amazing, and works with my class. I use Miss Kindergarten's Morning Work Bundle for both Literacy and Math skills. My kids LOVE it!
The students get their work and go to their tables, and set it up (putting their basket and tidy tub in the middle of their table), and complete their work ON THEIR OWN. (Because I am still at the door, greeting) 
This routine is lengthy to type out, but really happens within 3 minutes. 

I also have their centers already picked for them, and placed in their pouch. They look like this...

I got the labels free off TPT, as well, and added words to them in WORD. The papers are simply rotated every morning. The labels are clearly marking all our manipulative tubs. Shown here...
The students grab their tub, and head to the carpet to play, when they are finished with their work. As you can see, the pouches are right next to the tubs, so the kids aren't trying to figure out where to go around the room (because I am still at the door, greeting friends, as they arrive)

So from 8:00 a.m. to about 8:30-8:40 ish I have the students do Morning Work. They may get to the class at 8:00 or they may get there after 8:20. So I have a little extra time for those late-arrivers, so they can have a chance to complete their morning work also. 

You are probably wondering what they do with their work, when they finish, in order to get to centers.... Well, I have my students put their morning work under their homework folder (they have to get this from their chair pocket, which was previously put there when they arrived), so it doesn't fly off the table, as students are walking by, so we can grade it later. Usually by this time, I have all my little friend's there, so I am able to assist those who may struggle with either math or literacy, or maybe both. 
And when my phone alarm goes off at 8:40 we clean up and head to the carpet for our Morning Meeting. :) 

If there are any questions with what I use, or clarification on a routine, feel free to leave a comment below. 

Thank you for reading!
I appreciate all the hard work teachers do. Keep up the great work! 

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